Monday 9 February 2015

IPSG annual conference 2015, University of Strathclyde, 14-15 January 2015

The IPSG annual conference 2015 was held at the University of Strathclyde, in Glasgow, on 14-15 January 2015. With forty participants over the two days, the conference attracted scholars representing amongst the best UK and Italian universities (and also universities in Finland and Estonia). Sixteen papers, distributed in four panels, discussed: (i) the impact of the European election results on the Italian political landscape; (ii) euro-skepticism, nationalism and populism; (iii) the difficult path of European integration; and (iv) the institutional and constitutional reforms currently being introduced.  
The conference thus represented both a momentous opportunity to reflect on the outcomes and wider impact of last year’s European Parliament elections and wider developments occurred in the Italian political scene since. 
Dr Laura Polverari, introducing Prof. Keating's keynote.

Undisputed highlights of the conference were the superb keynote address by Professor Michael Keating on the 're-scaling of the European State' (University of Aberdeen) and the closing round table expertly moderated by Professor Philip Cooke (University of Strathclyde), which included contributions by Professor Martin J. Bull (University of Salford), Professor Roberto di Quirico (University of Cagliari), Dr Myrto Tsakatika (Glasgow University) and Dr Mark Shephard (University of Strathclyde). 

A common thread throughout the conference, from the keynote lecture to the closing round table, was the comparative approach that informed papers and debates. It was informed by an acknowledgement that in today's Europe, Italy is not the special case than it sometimes is portrayed to be. The IPSG is currently planning next year’s annual conference and expressions of interests would be welcome

Delegates enjoying the conference 'cocktail masterclass' and dinner

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